John 5 “Black Grass Plague” Video is awesome

john 5

John 5 has a new solo track out titled Black Grass Plague. “The video was produced and directed by Jonny Coffin of Coffin Cases,” says 5, who also plays lead guitar for Rob Zombie.

“We filmed it in a warehouse right next to Jonny’s place. It was swelteringly hot in there that day, but we got through it, and if anything, the heat contributed to the energy in the video. “The star-shaped stage with all the neon lights is actually Elton John’s piano riser,” continues 5. “It turns out you can rent it. Who knew? Thank you, Elton!”

The promo is dedicated to the memory of camera operator Khalil Tiner, who was killed by a drink-driver soon after filming was completed. Colleagues George Maria, Tyki Sato and Ryder Page say: “He was an amazing filmmaker and one of those rare people who could brighten any day with his smile. Khalil you are missed, and we are honoured to have called you friend.

It’s a kick ass video to watch unless you don’t like to watch kick ass musicians doing kick ass musician stuff. In which case may I direct you to the nearest cat video. John will be headlining the 2016 Namm Jam hosted by Delve Texas January 22 at the Grove of Anaheim.

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