Kid Rock Scalped His Own Tickets

So if you’re a Kid Rock fan (you’re probably not reading this blog) but in an article today posted on MSN he goes into detail about scalping tickets to his own show on for much more than face value.  He discusses the practice by also saying that other people are doing it.  Of course, other people beat their wifes, and murder puppies, and there was that teenage girl that got raped and killer herself so I guess other people do that too….so that rational I totally understand.  But here’s the thing for me.  If this is such a common practice why is he coming clean with it?  And why is he making up for it??

Kid Rock has lifted the lid on the shady practice of ticket re-sales in the  music industry, revealing he is guilty of “scalping” seats to his own shows.

The musician, who recently announced plans for a budget-friendly summer tour,  has confessed his team allegedly resold tickets to his concerts on exchange  website for more than their retail value. Rock made the confession  in an interview with TV host Piers Morgan, telling the presenter he fears many  others artists are making money in the same way.

If you’re so inclined you can hit up this article on msn here…….

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